Light To Earth

Everything that happens on earth elicits a response. The choice is ours to respond with fear or understanding. With kindness or hatred. Bring light to your heart before you respond, and with that bring light to earth

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Maharishi Om - Vedic Mathematics (or a Calculated Guru?)

Maharishi Om is well versed on many subjects but his talks are rarely if ever shared in public.
These rare talks are given to individuals and small groups in the house where he stays across from the Ambaji Mandir. On one particular day he began a talk that started with our place in society then went on to finances and Vedic Mathematics. Some of the things he said went right over my head, nevertheless I took down every word. Here follow the words of Maharishi Om that I captured in my notebook on that day.

"We are affected by each other. We are social. There is no escape, we have to be a part of society.
War never stops because there is a reaction to action. So we try to avoid those actions which affect our peace and destroy others peace.

Every individual soul has the capacity to be advanced in a positive way. Life experience makes you advanced. Similarly you have the possibility to be negative, it depends on mental direction or mental shift, constantly keeping your mind in a good direction.

If you want to achieve something you have to constantly explore. All at once you will discover the ways to get to your goal.

Don't keep all your apples in one basket. Don't keep all of your investments in one place. diversify them, but all in safe places. People put all of their money into their house and then when the house (value) goes down there is no money for retirement. Some people put their money in the stock market
then September 11TH came and they lost everything, because their money was not in safe places.

Understand the undervalue or overvalue. A person might wonder (when contemplating an investment), 'How can I find out what my profit will be?'
Look at the face value and quantity of the total shares and divide the number of shares/ short stocks with the total yearly company net earnings. Now you can see what you will get per share in profit. Check the stock value. What price is it at now? How much income will you get on that investment, at that price?  People know this, but they do the opposite. They don't listen to Guruji because they believe in speculation or gambling, not in Vedic Mathematics. Those who are calculated, it does not mean that they are bad people. They may be wiser then others. You can use your calculations in the right or the wrong way. It totally depends on the mind, the intellect and the thoughts, how you process them or calculate them in a direction so they will either give negative or positive results or profit, or loss or gain.

You are in charge of your destiny. That includes your financial destiny.

Temptation. Be aware of those thoughts which can cause loss or harm to your life. ('They' will say this is again calculating.) Calculation is not wrong. Calculating forecasts the future, and all big government corporations and businesses hire people with extraordinary capabilities of calculating forecasts, it is called economic forecasting. You can be a good forecaster it only requires great focus and a knowledge of math. That keeps your head cool if you become a Vedic mathematics forecaster, or if you gain knowledge about mathematics.

If you are a good mathematician you can account for your actions as well, but the majority of people want to hold others accountable, not themselves. Their math focus is on others not on themselves.

Knowledge is always good. Not knowing something is called ignorance, because you are acting on something you do not know

Turbulence comes in life, but the majority of the time you are stable. You are stuck when your focus is only on apprehension, not on comprehension. (For example; What thought triggers another thought?) If you think a negative thought it will bring in a chain of negative thoughts. Bring in nice thoughts. Generate them. There is an energy with each thought and emotion.
Every thought is a word. Every word has a sound. Sound has a vibration, either positive or negative.

Knowledge is infinite. Never stop exploring. Everyone can always learn something. The most important things in life are intention and attitude. If you have pure intentions you will be happy, because you have pure intentions not to hurt anybody. You should know when your positive becomes negative for others,  ('I should not bring that in conversations of business or relationships'...). That is conflict management. Why bring up issues that make other people upset? If you have less conflict, you will have less pain.

There are many aspects of understanding. Understanding of truth makes you happy.

Assumption and possibility are not the same. If a cat is coming, and a bird is in the nest not using his wings, instead is praying, that will not help the bird. Get out of the way. That is the solution.

You should have only belief in truth, not in self or others.

You should not believe in something which is beyond possibility, and you should not believe,  'I am perfect'. There is always the possibility of imperfection. You should not believe in having full confidence about everything. You can do some thing about somethings, that is a possibility, the opposite is not. Find out about those things which you do not know. Inquire. That is only possible with Vedic mathematics, calculating the end result of your thinking process."