Light To Earth

Everything that happens on earth elicits a response. The choice is ours to respond with fear or understanding. With kindness or hatred. Bring light to your heart before you respond, and with that bring light to earth

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I've often wondered what it must be like to be born on the fourth of July like my niece Melissa, to have the sky exploding in brilliant fiery light on your birthday while the rest of us make due with candles on our cakes.

The rockets exploding, I imagine the wide eyed little girl she once was, thrilling at the sound, knowing this is her special day. The sparklers, the barbecues and the entire nation celebrating her birthday.

It is how life should feel, lively, awake, excited! It is the feeling we should all experience not only on our birthdays, but everyday. That energy, that motivated intensity that tingles with excitement when the entire being is vibrating happens when our vital energy centers, called chakras, are spinning freely. An unimpeded flow of energy through our body quickens us. It makes us feel alive. The secret to keeping the chakras clear and unblocked has long been known by sages and yogic masters. It requires effort. A person must be willing to control themselves. Not only the senses, but thoughts and feelings and the way we breathe and move or vegetate can impede or free the energy that flows through us.

I spent the fourth of July with friends from high school, Ruth and Desiree, ladies I had little contact with for three decades until recently. Each time we come together we learn more about who we have become and where our interests lie. It was a welcome surprise when Ruth suggested we visit the East-West Bookstore in Mountain View. I literally exhaled. It was just what I had been looking for, a bit of the familiar. The books and music, the incense and aroma oils that were so matter of fact in L.A., had been missing in my life in Northern California were right here. And not only that, there was a sweet, enlightened energy that I was familiar with from my years of ashram living, in the store. As it turned out, Swami Kriyananda (direct disciple of Paramahamsa Yogananda) was sitting in the back, simply being.

Desiree, Ruth and I wandered about, picking things up, reading, touching, filling our senses, but it was Ruth who picked up the chakra card wanting to know what were chakras?  What were they for? It was her inquisitiveness that inspired this blog.
So here goes.... Chakra Cliff notes for you Ruth.

The word 'chakra' is a Sanskrit word. It means wheel. The energy centers in the body resemble wheels. When active and fully functioning, they spin.

The chakras purpose is to bring energy into the body. An energy that is imperative to our well being travels on these chakras, it is called 'Prana'. (prana = life force)

There are thousands of energy centers within our subtle body. Seven are considered most important. Two are located in the head and five along the spinal column.

The seven chakras are energy centers, 'gates', (or entry ways for energy) and transformers located along the spine and up into the head. Like antenna, they pick up or sense all of the energy entering a person's personal energy field. They process and distribute the energy entering through them, and transform the frequencies, supplying it where it is needed.

The 7Th chakra is the gate through which the highest frequencies enter a person, but the lowest chakra upward must be open and receptive before the highest chakra can receive energy.

When all of the energy centers are open we experience wholeness and unconditional joy.

Chakras are affected by a wide range of emotions, many that unfortunately block them, such as fear and stress.

Each chakra is responsible for the health of one area of the body.

Blockages in the chakras often manifest as physical ailments. A blockage in the first chakra can cause constipation, a headache could indicate the sixth chakra or third eye chakra is blocked.

All people are equipped with chakra energy transformers and receptacles. We can all positively or negatively affect an others energy centers. We are always sending and receiving energy to and from one another. The term 'vibes' came about to describe these sensations we all feel.


The first energy center: The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. In the area of the coccyx.

Sanskrit name: Muladhara (mula means root / dhara means support)

It is associated with our connection to the earth, the birth of all things and our own sexuality. It is blocked by sexual abuse, fantasy and imagination. Accepting reality can unblock the the Muladhara.

It's  base color is red, it's esoteric color  yellow it is ruled by Mars which governs male potency and survival instincts and aggression.

This chakra is the seat of 'kundalini'. Kundalini is the energy of spiritual awakening, it is a reservoir of potential untapped energy that lays dormant in most people. When this energy is activated by meditation and breathing exercises, it begins to travel upward to the crown chakra which results in a state of higher awareness and ultimately self realization. To awaken this chakra practice (moola bhanda) tightening and releasing the anal sphincter several times in succession, then sit quietly feeling your connection to the earth.


The second energy center (chakra): Located below the naval, above the genitals. It controls the urinary tract and sexual organs, (because of it's proximity to the first chakra their functions are similar.)

It's color is orange and it is ruled by the moon.

Sanskrit name: Svadisthana (swa or sva means- self / adhishtana means- established) It implies the origin or abode of the self.

This is where we experience our gender. A woman experiences her femininity, a man his masculinity here. It can be blocked by fear and restrictions related to sexuality. Accepting your fears, especially fear of death can unblock this chakra. Kegel exercises (contracting and releasing the muscles that control the flow of urination) and sexual arousal strengthen this chakra.


The third chakra: Is sometimes said to be located in the solar plexus, but is more accurately found in the area around the naval.

Sanskrit name: Manipuraka, the word itself means in Sanskrit, city of jewels. (Mani- gem or jewel / pur- city)

This energy center is often compared to the dazzling power of the sun. Feelings of contentment and trust are regulated by this chakra. It is the center of willpower and is ruled by the Sun. It is often blocked by worries. Developing confidence can unblock this chakra.

Empower this chakra by imagining a radiant sun shining in the center of your body.


The fourth chakra: Anahata, in Sanskrit this word means unstuck sound. It represents 'soundless sound', that which cannot be created. It is said to be the chakra from which all of the 72,000 energy centers ( nadis) in the body originate. It is located in the region of the heart.

This chakra is the source of love and light, not only human love, but divine love. It's esoteric color is violet, but when compassion is present it is also said to radiate a bright emerald green. It is ruled by the planet Saturn. In its highest vibration it is said to be the gateway to the infinite.

It closes when a person has a strong need for attention and opens when a person expresses selfless love. Exercises that strengthen the arms and chest can help awaken the heart chakra.

Visualising yourself and others bathed in pink liquid light daily will activate this chakra.


The fifth chakra: Vishuddha, in Sanskrit this word means pure, or more literally beyond pure and impure. Often called the throat chakra, it can be found in the throat in the area where the Adam's apple would be.

It is the center of creative expression and communication. It is ruled by the planet Venus and the color indigo. It relates to things ethereal as well as the principle of sound. A sore throat, neck ache or earache are symptoms that this chakra is blocked. Feelings of jealousy and the need to compare yourself with others actually block the throat chakra.

Exercises which strengthen the neck and shoulder blades are helpful with vishudda chakra (not to the point of severely developing these areas like a body builder might tend to do.)

Expressing our own creativity and uniqueness without comparing ourselves to others and repeating the mantra, 'I am complete and whole within myself' while breathing deep and slow are beneficial to Vishudda.


The sixth chakra: Ajna means 'command' or 'order'. It is sometimes called the eye of wisdom or the third eye, the eye that looks inward. It is located in the center of the skull, between the eyebrows, straight back to where the temples would meet in the center.

When this chakra is awake willpower is strengthened and desires are fulfilled almost immediately.

It is in this center where one experiences clairvoyance, wisdom and divine experiences, inner guidance, and revelations.

Ajna chakra is the seat of the mind, it is ruled by Jupiter and it's color is blue.

Being too serious can lock this chakra. Eye problems, headaches, earaches and inability to laugh are indications that this chakra is blocked. Letting go of ego and allowing yourself to have fun can help unblock this chakra. Doing simple breathing exercises for example; inhaling to a count of four, holding the breath to a count of four, and exhaling to a count of four, can be helpful in unblocking the ajna chakra, as is the mantra, 'Not my will but thy will be done.'


The seventh chakra: Sahasrara in Sanskrit means 'thousand petalled'. It is sometimes called the crown chakra or the thousand petal lotus. It is located at the top of the head, in the crown.

Jupiter is the ruler of this chakra and its color is a lustrous white or moonbeam color.

When the crown chakra is open it is said that one has reached the highest attainment.

A life filled with discontentment will close this chakra. A life filled with gratitude and love will help open it.

Each morning upon awakening imagine white light entering from the crown of your head and filling the entire being with divine light feel yourself filled with happiness and gratitude. Repeat the mantra, "Thank You God!

Please read my new blog:

Now Melissa is a young mother with a child of her own, probably sitting on her balcony with her daughter on her lap watching the sky light up, hoping the noise will die down soon so her daughter can get some sleep.
...Happy belated birthday Melissa, may the sky always light up for you.